Child Protection Education Books and Resources
We offer a variety of quality child protection education resources, such as books, games, and posters. They are also suitable for parents to use with their children.
Safe4Kids is a company based in Perth, Western Australia. We specialise in child protection education, which is also known as child abuse prevention education, protective behaviours, and body safety.
Our mission is to help keep children safe from abuse. We do this by offering child protection education books and resources and child protection education and training for parents, teachers and educators in Australia and internationally.
We have over 30 years’ experience in delivering child protection education, and as such understand the challenges of teaching this sensitive topic.
Knowing that delivering this vital education to children can be daunting, we offer resources and tailor-made training to help parents, teachers and educators succeed. These resources and training are designed to help empower children to help keep safe.
In addition, we teach teachers and educators how to deliver child protection education programs with confidence in a safe non-threatening environment.
Browse our website to read more about our training and resources. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We offer a variety of quality child protection education resources, such as books, games, and posters. They are also suitable for parents to use with their children.
Get access to tailor-made training, online courses, and education programs designed to help you navigate this topic.
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